6 Signs You Have Found Your Future Husband

Love is the thing that binds us all together. It’s the thing that gets us up in the morning, the thing that we look for all our lives, and the thing that we can’t live without.
When you’re truly and deeply in love with someone, it’s impossible to imagine the rest of your life without being by that person’s side, sharing your experiences and happiness with each other.
1. You Can Be Yourself Around Him
We’ve all been in relationships with guys who we’re not totally comfortable around. Guys who we feel like we have to “perform” or be “on” in front of in order to make the relationship work.
Your future husband won’t care whether you’re “on” or not on any given day. He’ll love you for who you are – when you’re just being yourself and not putting on any kind of show – and he won’t ever want to let that person go.
2. After Terrible Days You Just Want To Be With Him
Even if you’re in the worst mood in the world, being with him is better than being alone.
He’s there to listen to you when you have something you need to get off your chest, and to really listen and grasp the meaning of what you’re trying to say. He’ll always respond honestly, and knows what to say to make you feel better.
3. He’s Happy When You’re Happy, Plus The Other Way Around
You know you’ve found someone truly special when they’re not just willing, but eager to sacrifice a little bit of their own happiness if it means making you happy.
Finding the person who genuinely takes joy from your happiness is one of the greatest things in life. And what makes it even better is when you are also able to take joy from their happiness, and give to each other selflessly and without restraint.
4. The Magnetism And Attraction Between You Is Undeniable
The two of you are just locked in with each other on every level. You’re attracted to each other physically, and emotionally and mentally you’re always on the same plane.
You felt the chemistry brewing from the first time you met, and when you’re with him, the magnetic attraction between you can’t be ignored.
5. You express love and desire for each other WAY more than you wind up fighting. In fact, when you fight, both of you try to get to the root of the matter so that you can go back to loving each other as quickly as possible.
Fights aren’t about hurting each other, they’re about expressing yourselves and solving problems together. No matter what, you just can’t stay mad at each other.
6. He Loves You For Exactly Who You Are
So what if you don’t keep things as tidy at home as he does? He loves you anyway.
He doesn’t let personal peccadillos and quirks get in the way of the love he has for you, in fact he relishes those differences… because he knows that’s the good stuff.
He’s proud, proud to be with you, proud to be in love with you, and proud that you’re in love with him – and he wears that pride and happiness on his sleeve all day.

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