10 Mistakes That leads to Heartbreak in Relationship

I will be honest about this article,some times everyone makes mistakes but repeating the same thing is not good. Women always make a lot of mistakes which always lead them into regrets and saying " had I known" . Repeating the same mistake all the time is bad and doesn't lead you to being matured.
1. Trying to change him, you can't change anyone, many women has end up into wrong marriage for believing he'll change, I can change him, the fact remain you can't change him.
2. Stop believing his words, watch his actions towards you. Many girls of this days get carried away by little caring and petting.
3. By pretending:
You know you'want a serious relationship, relationship which will lead to marriage, you are ready to have kids and you're dating someone who doesn't want those things for now. There is no need of wasting your time.
4. Dating someone who is totally selfish. If you don't know the full meaning of the word " Selfish " google about it.
5. Entering each relationship thinking it will lead to marriage:
Each relationship has a reason, season and a lesson attached to it. Some relationships come to teach you things you need to know before you find “the one.” Then, of course, there are those that help you identify what you want and don’t want in a relationship. Still others allow you to work out your childhood dysfunction. And, thankfully, there is a smaller subset of lasting and “till death do you part” relationships sealed by a lifetime commitment and marriage. Before you offer your heart to someone, analyze the relationship and determine what type of relationship it.
6. You create problems, drama, argument etc instead of memories.
7. You don't respect and understand man.
8. Allowing yourself to become a docking station, when his battery is low.
One of the best parts of a good relationship is great s*ex.
It is a perfectly normal part of a relationship, but there is a time and appropriateness for s*ex. Do not allow yourself to be a docking station just because you are lonely and he needs a place to plug in. This points to desperation and will never make a man love you.
Men are not moved by s*ex. They are moved by what they feel for the woman they are having s*ex with. If your relationship has not developed to at least a mutual respect and admiration level, let him dock his appliances somewhere else. Before you let a guy charge his battery at your docking station, make sure that you are not just any docking station around the city.
9. Never waste your time on a guy who is not into you as much as you’re into him.
10. Your partner is not there to meet all your needs. If he/she says no, it doesn't mean he/she doesn't love you. Some demands may be impossible to fulfill. It is not your partner's job to make you happy. Your partner should be here to grow and share with you. You must learn to make yourself happy, and make others happy as well. Love is based upon communicating, consideration and giving. First, however, you must be happy with yourself, before another can make you happy.

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