Don't Love Anyone Who don't have this 5 Romantic Character

1. This person should make you happy. The most obvious of feelings sought after in a relationship, yet it is one that is often overlooked. We all go into a relationship looking for happiness — and when things are going well, we find it, however, more often than not, things end up going south. Sometimes the person who once made us happier than anyone else causes us nothing but pain. Or just more pain than ought to be caused by someone who supposedly loves you. It’s hard to navigate your way out of such a situation. It’s not something anyone can help you with; you must make the decision of your own accord. Just keep in mind our lives are short. If our days are filled with more despair than happiness, then how can we say we’re living life right?

2. This person should make you excited about life. This person elevates your overall mood and makes you look forward to things that never excited you before. You begin to see the world as a more pleasant, fairer place. If the person you are with can’t get you excited, then you’re with the wrong person. You should be excited to see him or her, excited to spend time with him or her, excited to wake up in the morning and go through your day because you’re going through your day knowing you have him or her to come home to. If the person you are with doesn’t make it at least a smidgen easier to get out of bed in the morning, then you haven’t found the one.
3. This person should make you feel at peace with yourself. It’s important to find the right person to share your life with because having the right person makes you the right person. It’s not that this person changes you — even though he or she often does – this person makes you appreciate the person you are. If you weren’t the person you are, then you probably would have never found each other — you have no choice but to be at peace with yourself and the life you’ve created for yourself.
4. This person should make you feel secure. The feeling of security is arguably the most crucial in a relationship. Our lives are filled with uncertainty; that’s the way it has always been. In fact, evolution itself favored those who were the quickest to adapt to this uncertainty, to the inevitable and unknowable changes that occur every minute of every day. Nothing in life is secure because in the end, we lose all of it. But we’re not talking about the tangible world. We’re talking about feelings. The only partner who’s a keeper is one who makes you feel secure in the belief that he or she will never abandon you.

5. This person should give you hope. He or she gives you the hope that your life will be a pleasant one. This person gives you the hope that you won’t end up alone. Your partner should give you the hope that you can create for yourself the life you always dreamed of. But more than that, this person gives you hope in humanity. When you find someone you believe to be an incredible human being, you begin to have the hope that the world isn’t as dark and brutal a world as you’ve believed it to be. It gives the you hope that the world can be a world filled

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