Nigerian People React to CNN’s Mockery of President Buhari’s health

Nigerians on social media, particularly on Twitter, have reacted to Cable News Network (CNN)’s trolling of President Muhammadu Buhari for leaving the country on medical vacation for over 85 days.
Fareed Zakaria of CNN had on Sunday quizzed president’s absence from the country when he asked: “The head of state of which country has not set foot in his homeland in over two months.”

Nigeria was listed among the options as option C, while Saudi arabia, Cuba and Syria were on the list.
Below are some of the reactions of Nigerians:
Lere Olayinka @OlayinkaLere: “So sad, Nigeria now a joke even on CNN. Buhari Media Centre guys can @Laurestar and others can start abusing CNN too.”
Adeyanju Deji @adeyanjudeji: “Washington Post joins CNN to Mock Nigeria, says Buhari has been gone for months on medical tourism; Calls the president a liar.”
Babasola Kuti @SKSolaKuti: “Everything APC & Buhari wished Nigeria to be under GEJ, IT IS…but under their watch; Pariah state; laughing stock: failed nation.”
BILLION @BillionTwiTs: “When you see all the money our governors are wasting to pay homage to Buhari in London but no salaries to pay workers.”
Chidi Odinkalu @ChidiOdinkalu: “The prolonged absence of #Nigeria’s@MBuhari is attracting high profile int’l attention from @washingtonpost today
Babasola Kuti @SKSolaKuti: “1. Imagine a Buhari supporter calling people who are going through a hard time lazy & used to free money. Is that not the Grandpa of irony?
Adetutu Balogun @Tutsy22: “Buhari is now a global joke.”
Oke Umurhohwo @stalyf: “International embarrassment all because of Buhari. SHAME”
Tunji Lardner @TunjiLardner: “Just watching an ad on CNN for. The ‘Every Child Counts’ Is this a joke? Is this in a parallel universe? Please help?”
Gboyega Adeoya @gboyega_adeoya: “CNN will project the propaganda to an audience who don’t know wassup ouchea. The same way the APC sold d Buhari brand in UK…”
Skywalker @irosky007: “When #Trumpheard in #Nigeria #Buhari has done 2yrs without a single achievement yet @CNNwon’t allow him to rest.”
Friday okwudiri @anyaegbufo: “The veiled admission of CNN over Buhari’s unfitness to govern should be a reminder to all who court the West for regime change in Africa.”
Idongesit Uyo @IdongesitUyo: “Buhari is in his retirement home at London…
Tell CNN that.”

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